Today’s Solar Eclipse

Will we be able to see the solar eclipse this morning from San Francisco? Depends upon whether or not the fog has burned off where you’re standing. With that in mind, you’ll have a better chance of seeing it in the Financial District than you will at Ocean Beach.

Be prepared to view the sun — but only with astronomer-approved solar viewing shades to prevent eye damage — roughly between 9 and 11:30 A.M., when the moon will pass over the sun and block out about 75 percent of it from Bay Area vantage points.

If we’re lucky the fog will burn off just before the peak coverage, around 10:15.

Of course, for a better view of the solar eclipse, and to see it in its totality, you might just watch live-streams of the whole thing on your computer. For links to a bunch of sites offering live-streams all day long as the eclipse makes its way across the country, click here.